Report builder prints out blank pages as pdg

I've created what I think is just a simple report where I'm trying to print a matrix. This is a 4x4 matrix

When I print this report, this is what the page order looks like:

Take note of the blank pages. In the above, Page 1 and Page 5 are the first cell of the matrix, Page 2 and Page 6 are the next cell (going left to right, top to bottom), Page 3 and Page 7 are the next, and so on and so forth. I've noticed this is caused by one cell overflowing onto a second page.

So because the cell in what is Page 3 above exceeded the page height and overflowed onto another page, Report Builder did not simply add the overflow page as the next page, it instead continued to add all of the "Page 1"s for each cell then loop back around and add the "Page 2"s of each cell. Then it continues onto the next row and does the same thing: It adds all the "Page 1"s for those cells then, if one or more of the cells exceeded the page height, it adds the "Page 2"s, then possibly even going to "Page 3"s and "Page 4"s if necessary. Each time it does this, for the cells that didn't exceed the page height, they get blank pages added.

How do I get Report Builder to stop this behavior? I don't want any blank pages and would like the overflow pages printed immediately after the page they should be after. As is, I have to manually go into the PDF to rearrange and delete pages.