Generally, the field office (FO) obtains one signed Form SSA-827 (Authorization to Disclose Information to the Social Security Administration (SSA)) from the claimant (or proper applicant) at each adjudicative level (initial, reconsideration, and hearing) to process disability claims, continuing disability reviews, or non-disability claims in which capability is an issue. Do not make annotations, including check marks, to indicate where to complete and sign the form. Use a cover note (“sticky” note) if guidance is necessary. For information on FO responsibilities when the claimant fails to provide a signed Form SSA-827, see DI 11018.005.
Federal law permits sources with information about the claimant to release that information if the person authorizing disclosure signs one authorization to release all of the claimant’s information from all of the claimant’s possible sources (unless there are other state requirements). Generally, the adjudicating component (for example, the disability determination services (DDS) or the hearing office) makes copies of the signed form to send to each source. If needed later, the adjudicating component obtains an additional original signed and dated Form SSA-827. However, any local adjudicating component can make special arrangements with an FO to obtain more than one signed Form SSA-827. NOTE: A properly completed and legible pen and ink signed Form SSA-827 is acceptable if submitted in person, by mail, or by fax or scan. We also accept forms signed by other means, such as via SSA’s Internet click-and-sign process and by our attestation process.
pen and ink signature on a paper Form SSA-827;