Dawn Vocabulary PDF |Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning PDF

Dawn is Pakistan’s oldest, leading, and most widely read English-language newspaper and is the country’s newspaper of record. As we know Dawn Vocabulary pdf is the Best way to get Tons of Vocabulary for Your CSS and PPSC Preparations. Its reading is most preferred if you want a good position in CSS and PPSC.

This is the set of 200 Most Commonly used Dawn Vocabulary words in News and Newspaper. we have collected these words for different articles of dawn News and Newspaper. It is the effort of a well-qualified team.so follow us to keep in touch and make your Vocabulary strong. we will be continuously uploading more Daily used Vocabulary in DAWN news and Newspaper.

Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

Words Urdu Meaning Synonyms
1. Alacrity شوق سے speed & eagerness
2. Alleviate کم کرنا make less serve; reduce
3. Aberration تخفیف deviation; abnormality
4. Affability افادیت friendliness; cordiality
5. Abstruse غذائیت Difficult to comprehend
6. Acumen تدبیر sharpness of mind
7. Adroit چست skillful (Maladroit = clumsy)
8. Adulation جوش worship
9. Affluence افزودگی wealth; opulence
10. Amalgam پارے کے کِسی دھات یا دھاتوں کے ساتھ مِل کَر بَنا ہُوا بھَرت mixture
11. Amassed جمع کیا گیا accumulated
12. Ameliorate بہتر کرنا make better; improve
13. Anachronistic غَلَط زَمانی یا سَہُو out of normal time range (Root — chon always implies the time)
14. Animosity عداوت hostility; hatred; ill-will
15. Arable قابل انتظام cab be cultivated; fit for pillowing
16. Arcane آرکین esoteric; obscure; known only to few people
17. Augment اذیت increase in size or number
18. Autocrat خودمختار absolute ruler; dictator
19. Autonomy خودمختاری self-government
20. Barrage بیراج bombardment; stream (of abuse etc.); continuous attack
21. Belabor مارنا over-emphasizing
22. Belied یقین ہے contradicted
23. Belittlers بے قدری کرنے والا people who criticize/disparage
24. Boorishness عظمت rudeness; ill-mannered
25. Brevity بریوری briefness
26. Bypass بائی پاس avoid; find a way around
27. Byzantine بازنطینی باشندہ excessive; decadent
28. Cacophony بے آہنگی noise; din
29. Callous لاجواب cruel & unfeeling
30. Candid صاف گوئی truthful; straight forward;

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Dawn Vocabulary PDF

Words Meanings Synonyms
1. Capricious موجی whimsical; changeable
2. Cerebral دماغی concerned with thinking
3. Insolvent نادیدہ bankrupt
4. Insurrectionist بغاوت پسند rebel; combative
5. Intemperate سرایت کریں not moderate; excessive
6. Intermittent وقفے وقفے سے on & off; not continuous; spasmodic
7. Intonation کفارہ tone of voice
8. intrigued دلچسپ interested and curious
9. Intuition الہام sixth sense; gut feeling
10. Irony ستم ظریفی something unexpected; words to convey the opposite meaning
11. Irresolute قطعی lacking firmness of purpose; hesitant
12. Jeopardize خطرے میں ڈالنا put at risk; endanger
13. Juxtaposition ساتھ ساتھ رکھنا placing two things next to each other
14. Languid سستی سے Lacking energy; weak
15. Lavish شاہانہ to spend freely(v); costing a lot
16. Legitimate جائز to make legal; give approval to
17. Lithe لیتھ flexible; supple
18. Litigious قانونی چارہ جوئی seeking legal remedies
19. Lucid اجاگر clear; explained
20. Mandatory لازمی compulsory
21. Manipulative جوڑ توڑ deceptive; skill-full at handling people
22. Marred شادی شدہ spoiled; ruined
23. Tenor ٹینر The higher of the two kinds of voices usually belonging to adult males, Strain
24. Immunity قوت مدافعت Freedom or exemption from any charge
25. Barring کو چھوڑ کر To restrict or confine
26. Endorse توثیق کرنا Back, Certify, Indorse, Second, Support,

Dawn vocabulary with Urdu meaning pdf

Words Urdu Synonyms
Ditch کھائی Chuck, Dump, Trench,
Complicity پیچیدگی The state of being an accomplice; participation in guilt.
Immunity قوت مدافعت Freedom or exemption from any charge
Divulge منحرف ہونا To make public; to several or communicate to the public, Disclose
Riva ریوا To stand in competition with Inception
Hilled پہاڑی Anything did or said to enforce the will
Tactile سپرش والا concerned with the sense of touch
Zenith زینتھ summit
consensus اتفاق رائے Agreement
Insurgent شورش پسند A person who rises in revolt against civil authority
Bid بولی To invite; to call in; request to come.
Plunder لوٹ مار robbery
Sculpture مجسمہ The art of carving, cutting, or hewing wood, stone, metal
Beret فوجی ٹوپی type of cap Corpulent
Endurance برداشت staying power; patience; stamina
Hackneyed فرسودہ common and over-used
Jurisprudence قانون کا علم science or study of law
Novel ناول new; unusual
Placate تختی pacify; soothe; calm
Relegate عہدہ کم کرنا تنزلی کرنا dismiss to a lower position
Taciturn چکرا quiet; saying little

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Dawn Vocabulary PDF

Zealot شدت پسند fanatic
Bestial خوشحال behaving like a beast; brutal
Corrugated نالیدار highly folded
Enduring برداشت کرنا lasting
Novice نو آموز a beginner; tyro
Hallowed مقدس worshiped; consecrated
Juxtapose جوکسٹپوز place next to
Placebo ایک بے ضرر مادہ جو دوائی کے طور پر دیا جاتا ہے harmless medicine
Hallowed مقدس worshiped; consecrated
Juxtapose برابر برابر رکھنا place next to
Placebo دوائی کے طور پر دیا جانے والا مادہ harmless medicine with no effect; dummy medicine
Remorse پچھتاوا regret; sorrow; contrition
Sycophant چمچہ bootlicker; flatterer Zeal
enthusiasm جوش و خروش
Notoriety بدنامی infamy; known for wrongdoing
Pivotal اہم of central importance
Regale شاندار entertain
Judicious انصاف پسند correct in judgment; wise
Zeal جوش enthusiasm
Pivotal اہم of central importance
Notoriety بدنامی infamy; known for wrongdoing.

dawn vocabulary with urdu meaning pdf

Most Important 50 Dawn/CSS Words with Meaning

These are the most important 50 Words with there meaning in Urdu and Synonyms. These words are relatively easy as compare to the words you have studied before in this article but these are most useful. So memorise them too. and download dawn vocabulary pdf

Mused خاموش brooded, pondered, though
Startled چونکا alarmed
Glanced نظر gazed, looked
Slender پتلی lean, narrow
Flimsy بے چین delicate, fragile
Foggiest مبہم vaguest, dimmest
Plague طاعون disease, Epidemic
Long strap لمبی پٹا long tie, long buckle
Snatch چھیننا clutched, gained
Tug ٹگ drag, jerk
Stoop ڈنڈے bow, bend
Latching مقابلہ کرنا hooking
Credence ساکھ belief, trust
Exasperating مایوسی full of anger
Salvation نجات rescue, escape
incredulity ناقابل یقینی doubt
Triumph فتح Elation, success
Delirium دلیری insanity, fever
Wrath غصہ anger
Havocs تباہی Devastation
Engraved کندہ carved, imprinted
Wore down نیچے پہنا overcame, dominated
Crowning بادشاہی prize
Mourning سوگ Deploring, weeping
Heifer بچھڑا young cow or young bull
Flushed شرم سے چہرا سرخ ہونا Feverish, glowing, hot
Coaxed میٹھی باتیں کرکے راضی کرلینا Allured, beguiled
Disgust نفرت hatred, displease
Admonished نصیحت کی advised, rebuked
Clenched کلیچینڈ closed tightly, pressed firmly
Splinter چھڑکنا Fragments, bits
Desisted تیار کردہ ceased
Perpetually ہمیشہ eternally, immortally
Parable مثال Allegory, fable
Aptly بخوبی properly, correctly
Culinary پکوان kitchen-related
Sergeant سارجنٹ solider with high rank
Clung چمٹنا adhered, attached to
Stern the back end of a ship
Endued ختم bestowed, enriched
Consent رضامندی assent, approved, comply
Decree فرمان Command, dictum
Goiter گلہڑ large swelling of the throat
Quack دھوکہ fraud, imposter
Mallet ہتھوڑا hammer
Compel مجبور کرنا bulldoze, drive
Wretch خرابی poor
Exhorted نصیحت کی admonished, advised
Prodigious پیداواری colossal, huge
Colossal بھاری بھر کم huge, giant
Stolid ٹھوس heavy, unemotional